Need a Cure Depression Story to Encourage You...?

I love a good cure depression story! Over the years, I have received thousands of emails filled with happy stories from my readers. A friend of mine encouraged me to start sharing some of the comments I get in my email. Here are a few of my favourites...

Cure Depression Story #1

"4 days ago, I couldn't get out of bed. I was desperate. I miraculously came across and signed up…

The next day, I started to feel a little better… Yesterday, I was able to get up and stay up all day. That is a miracle…

And I told my Mental Health Counselor about my last 4 days. I gave her a copy of the E-Course and explained my progress over the past 4 days. She perused it and said, "This is very good literature. These are very important steps to recovery". She even kept it…

Well, my wife is saying dinner is ready....yep you guessed it, FISH, and steamed broccoli and a dry baked potato. Then later, the steamed milk, and the bedtime ritual; same time, same place… and its working.....thank you so much. It’s working.

There is Hope for all of us, if we take the necessary first steps. It’s always that first step that is the hardest. But the reward on the other side of the spectrum awaits us all, and I want to get there desperately. Thanks again Merri Ellen! You are one magnanimous woman, an Angel I believe sent from Heaven Above!! I mean it. God Bless. Eric"

Cure Depression Story #2

"Thank you for this site! I had been on most of the antidepressants over the past 30 years and had a severe reaction. I have been off meds now for 5 weeks. Am taking vitamins... along with some other ingredients, Omega-3 and a mixture of amino acids and trace elements. I also walk daily... I feel better now than I ever did on the meds. Take care, Anne"

Cure Depression Story #3

"This is an amazing are sharing from your own pain and blessing others.. The scripture about God only allows us to go through things to help others... is so lived out in your life! You are such a blessing..."

Cure Depression Story #4

"I am currently battling day to day with mild depression and decided to search for natural cures for it. I'm glad I found your site and I want to say thanks for sharing your story and for building a great website. Keep it up!!"

Cure Depression Story #5

“I was on Wellbutrin and Prozac until using your techniques… I haven’t felt so good for so many consecutive days in 20 years... Thank you for your website and your incredible tips!!!”- Robyn

Cure Depression Story #6

“Thank you so much... I have suffered with depression several years, and right now I am not taking any medication at all.” - Mary

Story #7

“Your web site is absolutely fantastic! We will refer all of our clients to your web site.” -Anthony

Story #8

“I have learned a lot from your information and will try to put these things in to practice, concerning listening to my emotions because I know I have suffered from damaged emotions! Also, I do believe that we have to put into our bodies the right nutrition for right brain function, also a right attitude of life.” –Elizabeth

Story #9

“As a licensed clinical social worker and a woman with a life-time history of depression, I really commend you the work you have done on this site. I especially appreciate that you are promoting discussion on the positive benefits of a natural approach to treating depression.” -Robyn

Story #10

“I just want to thank you. These tips have really changed my life in less than a month. I honestly believe that God has brought this website over my path for recovery. The work you done is wonderful and a true inspiration. If I think where I was a few weeks back, I can't believe I am out of that hole. God will bless you for this wonderful work you are doing. You have inspired me so. Thanks again.” - Ada.

Cure Depression Story #11

"I can only explain my gratitude by saying God must have brought you my way. I was just on the verge of requesting anti-depressants from my Dr. the day that I found your website In the most natural, helpful fashion your research, the way you've set up the e-course, all of it just fed me with the step by step solutions I had been longing for for months. I will always read your work, updates you provide, your service is priceless. Thank you, your work is such a blessing! " - Alysha

Cure Depression Story #12

"I have been depressed for most of my life, have read many books and articles have taught others about depression, have taken various antidepressant medications. I have begun taking your advice on how to overcome depression for just over a week now. I am encouraged at what i have read and i have put into practice what has been suggested.I have found that the research of Merri Ellen is very good, it is practical and makes common and medical sense.I fully agree that the medication is only part of the cure for depression, in that it takes away some of the worst symptoms of one's depression.The time to do something about one's depression is when the bad edge has been taken off.I have have started the process you recommend and i am encouraged at my progress so far.The research in my opinion is not realy new to myself but the big difference is that i have taken a decision to carefully put into practice what i have been told. So far so good and thank you for your advice.It has been a blessing to me." - Tony

Cure Depression Story #13

"Your website has enlightened me… my story must be heard -this is an incredible miracle. i have all the legal and legit documents to probe it..if u want to talk about my personal transformation,from being sick for 30 years,oblivious to the fact that something so small and not so talked about, can change somebody's life so dramatic that alot of people will be heal if they hear what i have to say. ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LENGUAGE I STILL STRUGGLE TO PUT IN LETTERS MY FEELINGS AND EXPRESSIONS ,ANYWAYS I'M CONTACTING YOU BECAUSE AS YOUR READERS KNOW YOU WROTE,"6 POWERFULL STEPS TO CURE DEPRESSION" and maybe we can team up and and with my Life Story and your writing expertise we can help millions of people. God Bless You and the World! Sincerely, Bobby"

Cure Depression Story #14

"I tell everyone who will listen about your site as it has changed my life. Thank you for being such a warrior! Thank you for doing what you do. Thank you for your honesty, hard work and bravery. There is a saying in hebrew, "to save one life - it is as if you have saved the whole world". You have done a great service for many people. With gratitude and appreciation, H."

Cure Depression Story #15

" Dear Merri Ellen,

I offer you my heartfelt thanks! You have led me from a Dark Place, where I was stuck for years not wanting to continue, to a Bright Place. Here the colours are vivid, the sounds more acute, the future bright.

Oddly, I am having to adjust to this as familiar things are now unfamiliar but it is an exciting and agreeable process. I am on a steep learning curve!

I tried many other internet cures‚ without any success at all. You did it in 5 steps!

Thank you so very very much! May God bless you!

With my best wishes,


Cure Depression Story #16

I had been suffering from depression for about two years and had tried anti-depressants with no avail. I was starting to resign myself to the fact that maybe there was no way of being happy, I just 'wasn't that kind of person'. Then i found this website. The steps provided are a long term, natural cure that help you pick out the problems and habits you have acquired that contribute to your depression. Within about ten days I felt better than I had ever felt in my life. It is a long road and I'm still finding my way to the end, but the tips on this website are life changing. Feeling happy and content again is more than worth the effort it takes. Thank you so much. - Kris

You've just read some of the comments I have received out of the thousands of emails.

If you haven't yet, get started on the e-course today!

Do you have a success story? You can also contribute to our collection below and offer some hope to your fellow readers!

If you have gone through the e-course and it has positively impacted your life, I'd like you to tell me your story too! You can do so at the very bottom of this page.

I want to bring encouragement to our other readers who have not taken the first step yet. I want to invite you to join me in giving them hope!

Got some hope to share to encourage others who are suffering with depression?

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What Other Visitors Have Said

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

I want to find a way out of this hell 
Im 27 years old just gone and I was all full of happiness but 5 months ago depression and anxiety hit me I was thinking about death and 100 years down …

well im 22 and had a great life all mapped out, until the depression took over. i wont get to detailed but i did want to say this.....its my first day …

Finding happniess. 
Tried killing myself last summer, it got so bad that I actually did my hardest to hurt myself and kill myself also. I made a video about how my high school …

I was not who I am today 
Last year, I was depressed (9th grade). It was HORRIBLE. I went on cutting sprees, that are going to leave long lasting scars on my body. Cutting made …

It works!  
I was determined not to go back on anti-depressants (which I took for 10 years) and found Merri Ellen's website by chance on the internet. It has had life …

I am 17 years old and I'm currently in my first year at College. I got depression in year 10 and have just been up & down with it for a couple of years. …

where has my happiness gone. 
Hi, im new to all this and about two weeks ago, i could hardly get out of bed, and when i did all i could do is cry with no energy and feel lost and my …

put on severe depression 
well previously i do much yoga and pranayams at uneven times and for some times i dont eat for long hours just to be in mind that before doing the pranayam …

my depression... 
well...if anybody is listening here then please tell me should i come out of this feeling or not...i dont have any story for my depression rather i want …

depressed when I used marijuana.. but QUIT and am much better! 
Hello, I've enjoyed your emails and site content for some time. It turns out though, that I was addicted to marijuana and in denial. Having joined …

i will refer your site to my clients 
Hello Merri Ellen I am a therapist who runs out patient programs for people with mental health issues. One of my clients alerted me to your depression …

feeling better! 
Since i had my son two years ago i got terrible PND (PostNatal Depression) and ended up in hospital for a few weeks and put on antidepressants. I tried …

Success Story! Depression Cured, Spirituality, Prayer - Published in Psychology Today... Not rated yet
How Christian Prayer relieves depression By: Douglas Bloch From Publication: Psychology Today Magazine, Date: Nov/Dec 2000 Summary: A personal …

Anu Not rated yet
Debression and alcoholism

My journey to Hell (my struggle with Major Depression) Not rated yet
My journey to Hell (My struggle with Major Depression) “Dante passes through the gate of Hell, which bears an inscription ending with the famous phrase …

Longing to be cured~ Not rated yet
I have had depression for 38 years which has become severe in the last 7 years. It has effected me in ways that bring me sadness and guilt. The depression …

not healed yet Not rated yet
I am asking for prayer to be healed of depression.Thank you,From.Angela Nelson

Nixon Not rated yet
I was severley depressed 4 months ago. I tried lexapro which was a horrible experience. I then switched to valdaxon which was a life saver. Reserch this …

Teen Depression and What Parents Can Do About It Not rated yet
In teenage depression, there are many factors that caused the varying moods they have. Since this is a very tough time in psychological and physical development, …

I Won Not rated yet
Finally the research of Merri Ellen worked for me. Although it will take time to beat depression wholly for me.But I almost beat the depression about 55%. …

My Appreciation Not rated yet
I think this is a really good article. You make this information interesting and engaging. You give readers a lot to think about and I appreciate that …

Depression Since 16 years old - Getting Better!! Not rated yet
Hi Merri Ellen I have suffered depression off an on since I was 16 years old. Only recently did it get so severe that my doctor stepped in on a routine …

Depression Not rated yet
Ive been suffering depression for 2 years now and im 14..Ive suffered people saying i was pregnant people calling my a whore slut....its really hard, two …

Racial Discrimination ( School work) Not rated yet
Dear Cure-Your-Depression, My time being here at Park High School has been one of the best times of my life. The teachers are great and so is the majority …

Click here to write your own.

Thanks! Not rated yet
I want to thank you for making this mini series available to folks like me. I found the information in the emails to be very helpful and if you spend any …

Depressed at the age of 59 Not rated yet
Dear friends, I hope someone can help me. My husband is 59 years old, since 2 months he has been worrying unnecessarily and that had cause him some heart …

Depression Confession - A Father’s Determination Not rated yet
I have recently been thinking a lot about the subject of depression. Having heard a lot of views expressed on the condition, some very supportive, and …

Life changing Not rated yet
I had been suffering from depression for about two years and had tried anti-depressants with no avail. I was starting to resign myself to the fact that …

Finally A Good day came... Not rated yet
Today I go college and It was a good day for me because i attended all lectures after so long time. Actually i am a very career conscious person.(and sometime …

There is hope for those with depression Not rated yet
I became depressed after I had my first child at 26 (I am now 60) and it lasted for 6 months. I thought I was going mad. I had to take care of my baby …

My God is so good! Not rated yet
I do not believe in coincidences, but believe firmly that everything that happens in our lives is either ordered or allowed by a personal Savior who loves …

Managing Depression With Exercise & Diet Not rated yet
Merri, your article "Does Web MD truly help those with depression?" is great. I think there's a huge bias in society to medicate ourselves, not the least …

the Great Physician Not rated yet
I suffered depression and suicidal thinking for probably a year. I took up seriously reading the Bible and praying, asking Jesus to be my physician. …

SO i happened to stumble on this website last night which led into the early morning hours, and thought wow... this site is actually something so different, …

MY FIRST STEP (of the cure depression e-course) Not rated yet
I can't say too much right now cause I have only been on this website for a couple of hours and have only received the first step of the e-course... HOWEVER, …

Simply Greatful! Not rated yet
I have social anxiety disorder and SAD and I have been doing much research on the topics on how I can heal/ recover from what I have and I came across …

people like you are rare .. Bless YOU Not rated yet
Since few months I started to suffer from PMS (depression, fatigue, anxiety, loss of appetite etc...) but no one new what was going on (even doctors). …

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Cure Depression E-Course

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One Woman's Cure Depression Story and Research Findings That Is Changing Lives in Over 120 Countries To Date.

What people are saying about the cure your depression research... 

“Your web site is absolutely fantastic! We will refer all of our clients to your web site.” –Anthony, Director of Mental Imaging Clinic, Las Vegas

"Hello Merri Ellen I am a therapist who runs out patient programs for people with mental health issues. One of my clients alerted me to your depression site today and I am impressed by both your energy and your generous contribution to others suffering with illness. Thank you. I have just completed reading through your info. Found it to be a wonderfully informative resource and will not have any problem in passing on your website address to some of my clients. The greatest value is in the fact that you have been a consumer and have a very different understanding than others may have. This allows you to be heard a little more readily sometimes. I thank you for your courage and wish you good health always. Regards" - Sue 

"I was on Wellbutrin and Prozac until using your techniques… I haven’t felt so good for so many consecutive days in 20 years... Thank you for your website and your incredible tips!!!" - Robyn, former depression sufferer

"Thank you so much for all the articles I receive in my e-mails. They have helped me alot. I have suffered with depression several years, and right now I am not taking any medication at all." - Mary, former depression sufferer

"I was telling [my husband] that last year at this time I was having anxiety and depression and was wanting to die, and now (one year later) I literally have waves of excitement and happiness. It's hard to describe, but I am really happy right now… Life is good. I cannot complain. I am healed!!!!! - Gloria, former depression sufferer

"I can only explain my gratitude by saying God must have brought you my way. I was just on the verge of requesting anti-depressants from my Dr. the day that I found your website. In the most natural, helpful fashion your research, the way you've set up the e-course, all of it just fed me with the step by step solutions I had been longing for for months. I will always read your work, updates you provide, your service is priceless. Thank you, your work is such a blessing!" - Alysha, on the journey

"I am 63 years old. Went through severe depression about 5 years ago. If I had ended it all, I wouldn’t have the joy in knowing my new grandchild. I followed the steps on this web sight and I’m certainly glad I did. I feel your pain, I hope you can find your way out. No one can do it for you. I’m off all medication and still experience sadness and disparities but those times do not last. I am cheering you on my peaceful home in Tulsa. Don’t forget to do your light therapy. Journaling helped me, Keep moving forward, you may find joy in your life next year." - Anonymous post in our Forum :)

"As a licensed clinical social worker and a woman with a life-time history of depression, I really commend you on the work you have done on this site." - Robyn, Social Worker

"I have been depressed for most of my life, have read many books and articles have taught others about depression, have taken various antidepressant medications. I have begun taking your advice on how to overcome depression for just over a week now.

I am encouraged at what i have read and i have put into practice what has been suggested. I have found that the research of Merri Ellen is very good, it is practical and makes common and medical sense. I fully agree that the medication is only part of the cure for depression, in that it takes away some of the worst symptoms of one's depression. The time to do something about one's depression is when the bad edge has been taken off. I have started the process you recommend and i am encouraged at my progress so far.

The big difference is that i have taken a decision to carefully put into practice what i have been told. So far so good and thank you for your advice. It has been a blessing to me." - Tony

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