
by Hannah Jary

I am 17 years old and I'm currently in my first year at College. I got depression in year 10 and have just been up & down with it for a couple of years. I found this site in January, it's now April and I feel so much better. The fish oil tablets are working really well I take two every morning before college and my mood is consistent and I'm happy. All I did was type in to google "cure your own depression" and this miracle appeared.
You are truly amazing to share your experience and information and this site is easy to use and resourceful.
A lot of people my age (including myself) look up to celebrities. I know also look up to you.
All the best, thank you. Hannah.


Hi Hannah!! Thanks for sharing!! I'm so glad for your turn around! That's fantastic and made me shout for joy!! Keep going girl! All the best as you continue in college. Keep taking care of your health during those stressful times. :)


Merri Ellen :)

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Oct 20, 2015
by: Anonymous

Really great post, Thank you for sharing this knowledge.It is brilliant blog. I like the way you express information to us.

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