put on severe depression

by rohit khurana

well previously i do much yoga and pranayams at uneven times
and for some times i dont eat for long hours just to be in mind that before doing the pranayam it is neccessary to be an empty stomach and dont eat any kind of stuff for 5 or 6 hours before practising pranayam .for this as a result of long time at one point my brain nerves got attached and i had think that i gonna die within few days. i get depressed easily when i was studyed in the open veranda and i thought that all people look at me and i thought that i will have to do something great when i study alone in covered area .. my treatment occured from the past 1 year and i now fell somewhat better but not fully mentally free. how long it would take to cure this depression . i am get rid of it.. please kindly help me . i am in deep trouble...

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Sep 22, 2010
by: Anonymous

Treatment may be difficult. You have to find your own solution and make it work. An hour a day you may have to dedicate for this activity.

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