I was not who I am today

by Jen

Last year, I was depressed (9th grade). It was HORRIBLE. I went on cutting sprees, that are going to leave long lasting scars on my body. Cutting made me feel powerful, and it helped me to forget everything that was going on around me. I told my friends everything that was going on in my mind. How I wanted to be dead, and how no body cared about me...

My friends told my parents I was having thoughts of suicide.

They sent me to a hospital, I was there for over a week. I was angry, I just wanted to be dead.

But I got put in therapy, medication, and a watchful eye from my parents.

I slowly gone away from my depression and my dark side, now I'm happy and hyper. I still get sad streaks here and there, but I have more self-control.

I'm sorry if you're going through they same thing. Just remember, you CAN get over it. Don't put yourself down.

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Oct 14, 2015
by: Anonymous

You have shared an great articles on this website.This is very interesting and increases our knowledge.So thank you for sharing it.

Oct 07, 2015
by: Anonymous

Really so sad news. I hope now you enjoy good health but when you say you stay in hospital for a week , Its really very sad. At the end just i say please be careful ever.
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