feeling better!

by eilidh
(Glasgow Scotland)

Since i had my son two years ago i got terrible PND (PostNatal Depression) and ended up in hospital for a few weeks and put on antidepressants. I tried to come of them after six months - sertaline but a few months later i felt anxious again. so on to citalopram. I had awful pmt since having my son and felt i had no control over my thoughts but since starting your programme taking high dose omega 3 and taking two excerise classes a week and prayer i havn't had pmt last months and reduced my citalopram to 10mg. Thanks to your site, it really is a God send. Eilidh



Thanks for sharing! I'm so excited for you! Keep it going! You've made my day :)

Blessings to you as you continue on the road to joy!

-Merri Ellen

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Dec 06, 2008
please change
by: Anonymous

from eilidh - pnd was meant to mean post natal depression. could this be changed thanks, Eilidh

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