Finding happniess.

by Mary

Tried killing myself last summer, it got so bad that I actually did my hardest to hurt myself and kill myself also. I made a video about how my high school classmates bullied me and I couldn't deal with it anymore. I told them goodbye and they were *&%$@. The next day, the cops came they took me to the hospital...and everything went down hill from there.

ANSWER: Thanks for sharing. The journey goes uphill because you did not end up killing yourself. There is hope. You are worth it. Receive the help you need through counselors. Get to the bottom of why you think so poorly of yourself. Your perception of yourself is what has to go. Not you. Your classmates' perception is not reality. Rise above - one step at a time. Don't give up young friend. Don't succumb to the lies all around. The truth brings freedom. Keep pushing and help yourself to the research and online counselors. It's all here for you!

Merri Ellen :)

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May 26, 2016
Best SEO Company Pakistan
by: John

Life is the name of ups and down we should care about himself and others. Suicide is not good thing it brings bad factors on you and your family.

Feb 21, 2013
Young Mary
by: Anonymous

I too thought of suicide when I was a teenager. Instead I just stopped talking. I never spoke to my parents or my siblings. I never spoke in school. It was a cry for help and no one answered. I never spoke a word for nine months. No one cared. No one offered me any help of any kind. No one seem to notice. I was the walking dead. I was unreachable. I went to school and of course had no friends. Something strange happened. School let out for the summer and one morning I woke up and heard birds singing. I jumped on my bike and rode to a nearby swimming place. I swam and biked everyday. I began to feel better. The exercise and the sunshine made me lose 25 lbs and I felt happy. I was amazed that I could feel again. I became thankful that I hadn't taken my life. The exercise helped my mind to heal enough that I was talking again and made some friends. The moral to my story. Never take your own life, it is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Merri Ellen is an angel who is offering hope, God Bless her.

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