What makes me happy

by Beverley

1. Think of the top 3 people you see most often during the week. Are they positive people or pessimistic people? Do they give you a glimpse of hope and joy or do they squash it all?
I see my clients,co-workers and my son-my clients are sometimes very demanding and my co-worker my son is in his own world at his age of 18.
2. Where do you want to see yourself after being depression free? What do you want to be doing with your life?
I want to start a business and quit my present to remove myself from that stressful environment.
3. As you think about your depression, what do you think it may be teaching you about yourself?
My depression has taught me that i am mentally weak.
4. What or who makes you angry?
My working environment and some of my colleagues.
5. What or who makes you sad?
Not able to pay my bills.
6. What or who brings you joy?
The success of my son and the presence of my Fiance.

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