The moving Fog

by JM

As we feel the fog around us that others cannot see or feel.
The fog flowing from the tracks we have travelled.
but the fog always soon thins out and isn't for ever , and we see the shining light flowing down and this is hope and light telling us the fog is moving around you and you can move foward from its distracting vail.

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Oct 16, 2015
by: Rosemary White

I love autumn as well and fog as its integral part with golden leaves and rains occasionally. Its melanholic atmosphere fascinates me though for some it is a period of depression, sadness and vitamin deficiency. I may agree upon the last one only. Sadness yes but this sadness is beautiful. So is a state of what we call it a depression even though it is not. That is what we think. People got used to call depression each state of slight sadness occuring them. But depression is a diagnose and a doctor only may say one has it like a disease or not. So, relax and enjoy autumn and its fogginess. Thanks for sharing

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