Stop The Rumination!

by Cindy
(Tulsa, OK USA)

Research has found that dwelling on negative thoughts and allowing them to spiral out of control is a hallmark of depression. Here are some strategies I've used to move my mind off rumination: called a friend, started singing (especially spiritual songs or hymns), journaling, exercise, deep breathing, focusing on the present, making a gratitude list, doing restorative yoga, getting outside, watching Last Holiday with Queen Latifah!

Blessings all!


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Oct 27, 2015
by: Pay To Write A Uniquely Done Paper

A lot of longitudinal scientific tests specify rumination's negative effects: As an example, study Nolen-Hoeksema executed with Clean Region citizens exactly who skilled the particular 1989 San francisco earthquake observed in which those that self-identified seeing that ruminators subsequently exhibited more signs or symptoms associated with depression in addition to post-traumatic tension disorder.

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