
by Britney

1. Think of the top 3 people you see most often during the week. Are they positive people or pessimistic people? Do they give you a glimpse of hope and joy or do they squash it all? They give me hope and joy to a certain extent. I don't really talk about my depression to them anymore though.

2. Where do you want to see yourself after being depression free? What do you want to be doing with your life? I want to possibly have another child with my husband, which seems so overwhelming to me right now.

3. As you think about your depression, what do you think it may be teaching you about yourself? That I take things too hard, maybe I take life too seriously. I hold my feelings so deep within me, I think I need to learn to let go of things and be more carefree.

4. What or who makes you angry? When someone treats me unkindly for no reason. When people refuse to be peaceable.

5. What or who makes you sad? I get really sad when I think of all the "what if's" in life. What if something happens to my son? What if something happens to my husband? What if I die?

6. What or who brings you joy? My husband and son. Having a close family unit makes me happy.

7. What�s one thing, after reading our 6 steps report, that you do not do in your life and you want to start doing this week? (You can skip this question if you haven't yet read our report.)
I have only got the 1st one, I have the eating healthy down, I'm a major health nut when it comes to food. But I have stopped exercising, it seems like too much work and too overwhelming! But I am going to TRY!!

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Dec 09, 2011
who to trust or confide in
by: Dave Romberg

. What an eye opening fead. I no longer talk to my wife about my depression she makes me feel worse. She is so negative. And wjy i think she will help has endes in my mind. She thinks it something i can switch off at will. I just weened my self off Citalipram it took 3the Cisits to hospitol ER and i was the one to figure out why i had such bad abdominal pain. Never will i take a SSRI again. New doctor has me on. 50 clonipin and im doing so much better. But nack to the article. It really made me think of who to confide in.sorry if some of this is written wrong cell phones screens are hard to write on for me so small. I have learned that to get better is to tackle my depressed feelings on my own.

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