im under so much strain

by chloe

i have deppression they have diagnosed me with it im only 14 and a couple of months and i have anxiety depression post traumatic stress disorder and i have a over whelming chance of getting bi polar i dont want to feel like this and no matter how much they or i do i cant stop self-harming im scared im going to kill myself and i really dont want to die but i dont want to live i have lose 90 percent of my friend and feel the only people who care for me are my dogs i just want someone else's thought of what i could do to prevent my self from feeling this way help chloe 14 qld

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Feb 27, 2011
by: maddie

hi, im maddie. last year when i was fourteen, i was diagnosed with depression too. i felt the same way. i know its tiring to hear people say "its going to get better", because you just think "well, why isnt it getting better for me?". IT WILL GET BETTER! get some Zoloft, or Prozac or something, and you will feel better, even if it's fake happiness, its still happiness. keep your head high, and stay strong!!

COMMENT by Merri Ellen: Thanks Maddie for your comment!! Way to encourage others!! And I would add that any medication is a temporary help to guide you pull through as you dig deep into the real cause of your depression. Read the e-book to learn more. There is hope! You are worth it! :)

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