I think I hate myself

I always cause my husband to get annoyed and upset. It happens almost every day. I almost cry every day as well. It's like I wait for, or just want something bad to happen between us. I think I'm ruining the relationship. I don't think I look forward to anything anymore. He does things for me like taking me out but it doesn't help me. i don't like the way i am now. i am most angry about the way I am. I'm angry that years later I'm going to look back and see that I wasted so much valuable time, that I'm going to kill myself. I just hate how I am right now. I can't stand it, and I think I blame my husband for this.
People look forward to tomorrow...tomorrow, I know I'm going to cry again.I know I'm going to think about hating myself again. I hate myself.


Thanks for sharing. Don't give up hope. Go through our research to discover what has helped many. Speak with a counselor about your relationship with your husband and why you blame him for your depression. Relationships can be restored and love renewed. Wonderful miracles do happen. Feel free to access one of our many online counselors from the comfort of your home.

There is hope. You are worth it.

Merri Ellen

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Aug 25, 2009
I know how you feel...
by: Anonymous

Hey there. When I read your words I saw myself. I resent my husband for many things. I have blamed him for many years. Now, I have reached out and I have come to the realization that what he does, I cannot let myself get so entwined in it. I need to think for myself, I need to live for myself and for the sake of my children. If he wants to badmouth me and be not supportive, that's his choice not mine. We need to take control of our lives and quit feeling sorry for ourselves. I suffer from social anxiety and mild depression. I need to choose to live for my children, not for my husband. God also plays a huge role in my life, without him I wouldn't be where I am. Joyce Meyer is good to watch to! Keep your head up! Our children need us to be strong moms!

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