
by Jerry B
(Bay City, MI.)

Hello all,

My body has been suffering from, extreme fatigue. Example, Regardless how long I sleep. I am never awakened, feeling rested. I am still just as tired as I was when I first laid down. Therefore, I would appreciate any and all, suggestion anyone can give to help me out of this situation. I was given testosterone from Doctors and that still offered no such help. so please, anybody help is desperately needed in this matter. Also, I thank any and all responses I am given.


Jerry B


Some of our readers have shared that the thing that has helped with energy levels is taking a high potent nutritional supplement that you can find from www.truehope.com

Personally, I have found that a light therapy box has helped me considerably with energy levels!

Thanks for joining the community!


Merri Ellen

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Mar 19, 2009
Sleep Apnea
by: Anonymous

I too have have had a decade of non restful sleep - the docs are testing me for sleep apnea. Apparently that is a huge problem for many and once properly treated life is once again great.

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