When I took a look at the extensive list of famous bipolar people and famous people with manic depression - I learned something.
"Have you noticed that they are all extremely creative people?"
Most of them are artists, writers, musicians and actors. And a few are scientists and mathematicians. Lastly a few are athletes. Do you find yourself in any of these areas of talent too?
If so, you may be encouraged. Here’s why…
All of those talents of famous bipolar people and famous people with manic depression are extremely creative and self expressive. These talents require a great deal of well, talent. Quite simply you may be simply talented and just haven’t found your paint brush yet – in other words – your mode of expression!
The list of famous Bipolar people are...
00:10 President - Abraham LINCOLN
00:17 Musician - Adam ANT
00:25 Actor - Ben STILLER
00:30 Actor - Burgess MEREDITH
00:34 Astronaut - Buzz ALDRIN
00:44 Author - Charles DICKENS
00:48 Nurse - Florence NIGHTINGALE
00:53 Director - Francis Ford COPPOLA
00:57 Boxer - Frank BRUNO
01:02 Scientist - Isaac NEWTON
01:06 Actor - Jean Claude VAN DAMME
01:10 Musician - Jimi HENDRIX
01:14 Actor - Linda HAMILTON
01:19 Composer - Ludwig Van BEETHOVEN
01:27 Prime Minister - Winston CHURCHILL
01:32 Music Producer - Phil SPECTOR
01:36 Director - Tim BURTON
01:41 Actor - Richard DREYFUSS
01:46 Musician - Ray DAVIES
01:50 Model - Sophie ANDERTON
01:53 Musician - STING
02:00 Musician - Kurt COBAIN
02:04 Actor - Ned BEATTY
02:14 Musician - Ozzy OSBOURNE
02:18 Actor - Jim CAREY
02:22 Actor - Robert DOWNEY JR
02:28 Actor - Robin WILLIAMS
02:31 Actor - Spike MILLIGAN
02:36 Actor - Stephen FRY
02:41 Artist - Vincent VAN GOGH
Well, first off, I can see a few resemblances in my own life. I’ve written poetry, short stories, dramas, music and have enjoyed painting as well as acting. I scored high in Physics (I think mostly because my father was a Physics teacher who tutored me at home). But, my most accomplished talent is athletics by far. I grew up playing every sport I could and excelled at them. I once was scouted and recruited to play on a women’s Fastball team which played at the level of the Canadian Olympic team and won Gold at the World Master's Championships in Australia. Not so long ago, I walked on to become a starting Soccer keeper on a competitive women's team having only played Soccer twenty years before.
I’ve recognized, especially after looking at the list of famous bipolar people and famous people with manic depression, that when I am not engaged in any of these activities, I am done for. I can’t function. I simply must be involved, firstly, in an athletic activity. I absolutely enjoy sweating out my stress because I am so competitive.
Secondly, I have to have a creative outlet. These days I enjoy graphic design. I have learned that I must focus this creative talent into something or I get low and become useless. And then my relationships around me suffer. I'm sure you know what I mean. No one seems to understand your moods.
When I was pregnant with my first child and suffered from depression, I got out the paints and painted a picture. I hung it on my wall and shortly after a woman told me her mother recently paid $2,000 for a similar painting. (This woman wasn't an art critic but it was a nice complement nonetheless.)
I never painted that picture expecting to earn any money. (I still have it on my wall and can’t part with it. My son loves telling everyone that mommy painted it when he was in her tummy.) Just paint. Or just write or sing or compose or play a sport. Do something to unleash that creativity and active spirit within you!
Here are a few artists who suffered/suffer with depression or bipolar disorder… (It's interesting that I like many of their pieces).
Why don’t you buy a piece of their artwork and hang it on your wall? Then study it and enjoy it. It may inspire you! (You may just join that list of famous bipolar people and famous people with manic depression. And this can be a good thing.) Embrace your creativity and let it out. Otherwise you may be like a dam soon to break. Art can be great therapy!
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