by Emily Barker
(Auburn, AL)
1) Andy, my boyfriend. positive person. Gives me hope but the problem is he is the one I see the most by far. I am lonely and need to see more people. The rest of the people I see are those I work with at the hospital. They are people i enjoy being around.
2) I want to be in a new location. A big city with a lot going on and plenty of people around me.
3) I believe it is teaching me I need to do more of my own hobbies and interests on my off days. I need purpose. I also realize I need a family. Whether it be my actual family or a group of people that i trust like family.
4) I get angry when other people ruin a good moment or get angry at things that they cannot control like 5 o'clock traffic.
5) i get sad when my boyfriend is distant and seems to want to work than spend time with me. I get sad when i hear about things happening with my family that I wish I could be a part of.
6) Above all, hanging out with groups of people, especially groups of good friends brings me joy. Seeing my boyfriend really enjoy something that we are doing together brings me joy.
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