don't want to live

I wake up in the morning and wish I was dead. I finally drag myself up and then don't have enough time in the day other than make meals and clean. I am suffering with chronic pain and other circulatory problems so I can't work. I don't like being alone in the house but cannot make friends. This has been going on for years.


I'm so glad you came across this site! Enjoy the e-course - and take into action the research. I hope you can join the club of former depression sufferers!

There is hope! You are worth it!


Merri Ellen

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Oct 15, 2009
Upset the Balance; Keep Trying--There Is An Answer
by: Anonymous

Don't trust your judgment when you are depressed. Depression is like having a bad set of glasses on, glasses that magnify the difficult things and diminish the beautiful. Recognize that part of what you are experiencing is very chemical. Keep seeking a solution for the biological aspect of depression. Remember, depression is no big deal--unless it remains untreated. "Perturb the system"--In addition to finding a biological answer to your depression, do something--anything--that is healthy and not part of the rut. Keep doing it. Also, remember some stressors in life cannot be controlled. If these are real, accept them. Then pull in everything positive to your life you can, and upset the balance. You can start with something as simple a warm baths by candle light, mild exercise in pretty places--begin to treat yourself with the same courtesy and love that you would treat an honored guest.

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