Share Your Depression Success Story / Encouragement For Others on the Journey...
Some possible questions to answer...
1. What brought on your depression?
2. What things helped you defeat depression/control your depression?
3. What have you learned from your journey?
4. Anything in addition that you'd like to tell someone who is currently suffering in depression?
Do you have some hope to offer? Share it!
Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...
heart and soul Not rated yet
I began taking SAMe, (Nutralife), 9 MONTHS AGO, after I QUIT..(tapered off gradually) my psychiatric medications...(antidepressants, antipsychotics, sedatives), …
Some success after three days Not rated yet
This is the first day I have shown improvement. I have been in a constant decline for 7 months. I am keeping a blog about my hike up Mt. Depression. …
Some success after three days Not rated yet
This is the first day I have shown improvement. I have been in a constant decline for 7 months. I am keeping a blog about my hike up Mt. Depression. …
My depression is 100% cured Not rated yet
My depression is 100% cured.
It lasted from April 2008 until August 2008, with April to June 2008 being the worst months. My confidence was shattered. …