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“What is bipolar type 2?”Okay, we’ll try to make this simple - for you and for us! Bipolar Type 2 is 1 of 3 types of Bipolar Disorder. The other 2 are Bipolar 1 and Cyclothymia. Type 2 is stuck in the middle as far as how serious the disorders go. You could be suffering from Bipolar Type 2 if you are experiencing superhuman days and then absolute garbage days. The superhuman days are called hypomania which can be days of extreme happiness, racing thoughts, extravagant thinking (you are like God) or you may also aggressively seek out people and sex and have trouble slowing down to speak properly. After the superhuman days, come the days of depression where you are always tired, feel like dying and can’t enjoy life. If this rings a bell for you, you could be suffering from bipolar type 2. “What can I do if I have bipolar type 2?”There is great news for you! First of all, recognize that your body and mind need treatment to get healthy. Your cycle of extreme happiness and then extreme despair is a clue that things aren’t running properly under your hood. You’ve got to check out if you have Bipolar Type 2 by a professional – your doctor. If you’re car wasn’t running properly, you’d take it in to get checked, right? You wouldn’t deny that your muffler is dragging on the street or that your tire was flat and you kept driving on your rim. Same with your body. It’s more valuable than any Ferrari. (Got news for you – a Ferrari can’t love. I know it’s hard to believe but no matter how much you’d love one, it won’t love you back.) So, if your doctor confirms that you have Bipolar Type 2, he may walk through some possible solutions such as anti-depressants. But be sure to also ask him about lifestyle. Our minds and bodies are connected. What we do with our bodies affects our minds. Somehow we have this idea that we can be invincible creatures and it doesn’t matter what we eat, drink or smoke. I got news for you – you’re no superman – no one is. So, take care of yourself and write down your questions for your doctor. "Good news for Bipolar Type 2!"![]() Thanks to the research of Dr. Andrew Stoll, people around the world suffering from bipolar type 2 have enjoyed a healthy, happy life. A personal story… For 23 years, bipolar disorder wreaked havoc for one of Dr Andrew Stoll’s female patients, now a 45 year old woman. She was unable to find adequate treatment for her dangerous peaks of mania and dark valleys of depression. Medications dulled her and caused significant weight gain. As a result, she had trouble focusing on her work, enjoying life and relationships with friends. She was anxious for a cure and fascinated to hear of Dr. Andrew Stoll’s work in Boston, Massachusetts. She participated in his controlled, double-blind study, in which neither doctor nor patient is told who is receiving the placebo (a fake) or real Omega 3 fish oil supplements. Just 2 weeks into the trial, her mania was gone and the first time in decades, the depression had lifted. She has kept taking Omega 3 fish oil and has been in full remission for over 3 years. Dr. Andrew Stoll reveals several uplifting stories in a behind-the-scenes look at his study of the benefit of Omega 3 fish oil and bipolar disorder, published in The Archives of General Psychiatry in May 1999.
Ask your Doctor about Dr. Andrew Stoll’s research for Bipolar Type 2. You will be glad you did! For more great news, enjoy our free report. Related Articles:"A Bipolar Success Story!"
Back to Home from Bipolar Type 2 Sources: National Institute of Mental Health (1999), Omega-3 fatty acids in treatment of major depression and bipolar disorder: a double-blind placebo-controlled study. Clinical Research Study 99-M-0181. Available at: clinicalstudies.info.nih.nimh. gov.cgi/detail.cgi?A_99-M-0181.html. Accessed Oct. 19. Sperling RI, Benincaso AI, Knoell CT et al. (1993), Dietary omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids inhibit phosphoinositide formation and chemotaxis in neutrophils. J Clin Invest 91(2):651-660. Stoll AL, Marangell LB (1999), In reply. Arch Gen Psychiatry 56(5):415-416. Stoll AL, Severus WE (1996), Mood stabilizers: shared mechanisms of action at postsynaptic signal-transduction and kindling processes. Harv Rev Psychiatry 4(2):77-89. Stoll AL, Severus WE, Freeman MP et al. (1999), Omega 3 fatty acids in bipolar disorder. A preliminary double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Arch Gen Psychiatry 56(5):407-412