“Is there a Bipolar Online Test I can take?”

Take a simple Bipolar online test if you think you or a loved one is suffering from Bipolar Disorder. Once you do complete it, you must print off the results and take them to your doctor to get a professional diagnosis. This is NOT a diagnostic tool.

Here are some sample Bipolar tests...

Bipolar Testing by the Black Dog Institute

Bipolar Testing by the Depression and Bipolar Alliance

"Who created the Bipolar online test?"

Dr. Robert Hirschfield developed this bipolar online test or ‘Mood Disorder Questionaire’ after finding that up to 70% of patients with bipolar disorder are incorrectly diagnosed with unipolar or major depression. To reduce misdiagnosis, Dr. Hirschfeld and his colleagues developed this brief survey to detect past episodes of mania in patients with depression.

"Are there special instructions with this bipolar online test?"

Dr. Hirschfield’s recommendation is to take this bipolar test if you are going to be prescribed an antidepressant, especially to treat depression. “Approximately 1 in 4 or 5 people who suffer with depression are going to have bipolar disorder in some form.” You're going to find quite a few people with bipolar simply by them taking this bipolar test.

Then, if your results imply that you could suffer from bipolar disorder, your doctor must carefully monitor your health. There is a chance your results may be altered due to other causes. Therefore, simply getting a positive screen does not mean that you've got bipolar disorder.

"How was this bipolar online test developed?"

Dr. Robert Hirschfield put together a small work group and came up with a set of questions drawn from the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition), from his and the groups clinical experience, and from research interviews that were created to diagnose bipolar disorder. Then they compiled them and tested them in clinics in a group of patients who had bipolar and other psychiatric disorders.

"What help is there if my doctor tells me I have Bipolar Disorder?"

Now if you get a ‘yes’ result after taking the bipolar test and your doctor says you do in fact have Bipolar Disorder – you will benefit by reading our research on powerful steps to control Bipolar Disorder.

>>Read our free report - 6 Ingredients to Cure Depression (opens in a new window)

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Screening for Bipolar Disorder - An Expert Interview with Robert Hirschfeld, M.D. /(access July 25, 2006) http://www.narsad.org/news/press/rg_2006/res2006-07-17d.html
Erkki Isometsä et al. / BMC Psychiatry / “The Mood Disorder Questionnaire improves recognition of bipolar disorder in psychiatric care” / (accessed July 25, 2006)http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-244X/3/8
Hirschfeld, Robert, M.D / The American Journal of Psychiatry / “Development and Validation of a Screening Instrument for Bipolar Spectrum Disorder: The Mood Disorder Questionnaire” / http://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/full/157/11/1873

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