A Panic Attack

by nilesh

This is about last four months. That I fall in the pit of depression.It was a massive attack for me since last seven years.I can say that I was so much negative and still try to overcome.I always thinking that everyone is talking about me.And just looking at me.It was very much anxiety for me that how would I know go to college???And how I would be normal.But slowly I Think the things are getting normal and I once again becoming normal. But not still normal because of the things I have done I felling something awkwardness towards me and always thinkig about it.Actually before last four months I was practising vipassana meditation which gave me very much relief but some I failed manage and once again get in pit of depression.Now as I said the things are going to normal than I am thinking that I should once again go to vipassana shibir for 10 days.So If anyone have sugesstions for me than I am curious to hear them. Thank you.

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