Welcome to Ingredient Number 1
of the Cure Your Depression Research

(There are actually 2 parts today!)

From: Merri Ellen :)

Dear friend, 

Thank you for requesting this report on the essential ingredients and research I discovered and applied to cure my depression!

* Set time aside automatically!

I recommended spending at least an hour each day to read the lessons and take the action steps.

The more time you spend and implement (WITH YOUR DOCTOR'S CONSENT), the more you’ll get out of this, of course.

But the most important part is setting aside time now. If you don’t, something else will come up, and you’ll wait until “later.” I know this from 2 decades of testing – and from all the projects I’ve succeeded at (and the ones I’ve failed at).

*Add it to your calendar now. Make sure to modify the times to best fit your own schedule.

This free report shares with you -the goods on the truth about depression. It is extremely valuable information that I wish wasn’t so unknown in the mainstream world. I wish my doctor would have told me this a long time ago instead of just writing out a prescription for a drug that only made the problem worse. Now I'm sharing it with people like you who are sharing how their lives are being changed! 

  • Do you long to be able to wake up and get out of bed looking forward to the day?
  • Do you long for worry and anxiety to be gone? 
  • Do you long for the day when your tears will be replaced with laughter?
  • Do you long to be able to enjoy healthy relationships and friendships?
  • Do you long to be able to have the energy to find an enjoyable career?
  • Do you long for the day you can get rid of your antidepressants? 
  • Do you long for the day when you can get excited about living again? 

Here's some tough news but good news!

If you truly want to rid yourself of your depression,
you have to make some changes. 

You have to honestly apply this research to your life. You’ll have to make some necessary changes. But, if you want someone else to ‘fix’ your life – you’ll be looking for some miracle drug.

However, antidepressants aren’t the complete fix. If they were, then so many people wouldn't be still taking them.

If you’re taking antidepressants now and aren’t seeing any results, you’ll know what I mean. (***Do not quit any medication without your doctor's consent.)

So, how badly do you want to feel better? 

Don’t treat this like easy reading material. This is something you need to work through. 

You are a mountain climber! 

It may feel like there’s a big mountain in front of you – your depression. But, are you going to let it defeat you? You could try to climb it with your flip flops but that would be ridiculous. I’m giving you the pack, the headlamp, the food rations, the ropes – everything. But you can’t just drop it all at your feet and expect to drift to the top! You’ve got to put that pack and gear on and you’ve got to put one foot in front of the other – sweating and working all the way. 

Imagine reaching the top of the mountain – the fresh, pure air, the quiet, the view, the peace! Imagine the feeling of achieving such a feat! You did it! But, it took some sweat and constant moving forward and breathing hard.

That’s what I’m talking about. I realized that I had some hard work to do and once I put the research to practice and kept trudging forward with the tools I was given, I reached the peak of the mountain! It was hard work but it was worth it! 

Depression affects your mind. Your mind is an amazing creation that is connected to your body. 

You must DO certain things 
and PRACTICE certain life skills 
to enjoy a healthy mind and life.

I am a former depression sufferer - I know what you're going through and want to share with you my research and hard work. 

I want to make a dent on this disease and impact my world - your world.

There is hope! You are worth it! 

First, some background on our valuable content... 

These ingredients are based on research conducted by leading psychology departments throughout the world.

I applied it to my life and was ecstatic with the results. Many of us (my many readers and I) were on the verge of suicide and have come full circle to be able to live lives fully engaged in our loved ones, our work, our passions and our dreams and goals.

The material we want to share with you is easily worth hundreds of dollars of yearly costs of antidepressants and other medical expenses including loss of wages. But, we’re on a mission to tame this wild beast and are providing this report to you as a gift. 

*Please carefully take in all we want to share with you and then consult your doctor with the research. You will be SO GLAD YOU DID!

Today we are enjoying confidence, assurance, and calmness. We now share happiness with our friends and family.

Who are we? 

You will find your fellow readers to be a group of former depression sufferers – mothers, teens, college students, business professionals and even actors – who want to spread the good news of research that can also help you cure your depression – just like us!

You're about to learn how to get rid of stress, depression and anxiety from overpowering your life. The facts you need to know about these modern illnesses, along with the natural techniques you can use to conquer them, will be in your hands at the end of the next 6 lessons!

I suffered, searched for a cure, found it and want to help others. Help yourself by taking these steps seriously. They are your steps to freedom. 

This course contains ...

7 x Email 'Lessons', each one after Lesson 1 arrives every 3 days. They act as your personal coach during your journey. You don't need to do anything except wait – you'll automatically get each lesson.


(Always talk to your doctor about our info.) 

The information that we will be sharing with you over the course of the next few days is for informational purposes only, and is not to be regarded as a substitute for psychotherapy or psychiatric treatment. This information is not intended as treatment for major depressive disorder or for any other form of mental illness or medical illness.

Because we do not know your unique background and circumstances, the information may not prove applicable to your specific situation. We urge you, therefore, not to rely on the information displayed for treatment decisions without consulting a qualified psychologist, psychiatrist, other physician, or other health care professional. 

The posting of information on our site by health care professionals does not in any way establish a professional relationship with any reader. If you are experiencing psychological distress or any form of mental illness, you would likely benefit from consultation with a qualified mental health professional. If you have a medical disorder, disease, or problem, we urge you to seek medical treatment. 

If you are thinking about hurting yourself or someone else in any way, it is very important that you talk with a professional for help immediately.

We do not assume liability for errors or omissions related to information posted herein. (Always check it with your own doctor and/or mental health specialist.)

Okay, let's get started!... 

Here is the first powerful ingredient that cured our depression. 

Cure-your-depression step 1:
What You Eat

This is a CRUCIAL step. 

If you knew you could beat your depression by knowing the proper things to PUT INTO your body, wouldn't you be excited? This means if you change a few habits, you could literally wake up each morning EXCITED about life. Ok, if you're not yet excited, that's okay. I will be excited for you! :D

Keep reading...

Let's do this together!

"It’s been proven that what we eat affects our mood."

"Food can affect your mood, and what you choose to put into your mouth can influence your state of mind."- Amanda Geary, in her book The Food And Mood Handbook: Find Relief at Last From Depression, Anxiety, PMS, Cravings and Mood Swings 

Go to the grocery store and you will see more and more processed foods with snazzy marketing telling you how good their product is – but is it healthy? To beat your depression, you must pay close attention to what you put in your mouth. There’s great temptation to eat comfort food – but that’s only making things worse.

It’s been proven...

- if you do not get adequate nutrition- you are more likely to experience long-term depression, thoughts of suicide and even attempt suicide. (The Journal of Nutrition, April, 132(4): 719-25.)

- a diet low in tryptophan causes depression. (Psychopharmacology. 155(2): 123-7.)

- a diet low in polyunsaturated fatty acids, antioxidant vitamins, folate, and vitamin B-12 is associated with depression. (The Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 60(1): 135-43.)

What are you eating these days?

The first step is paying attention to your diet.

I'm not talking about a diet that you do to get rid of the last 10 pounds or more. I'm talking about your regular diet. 

If you owned a Ferrari, wouldn't you put only the best oil and fuel in it? Not any used oil you found at the dump, either. It's the same with your body including your mind.

Your diet has a profound effect on your mental health.

Even a 'diet' slightly low in nutrients can cause depression in susceptible people. Dr. Pricilla, associate clinical professor at the University of California, prescribes nutritional therapy to build up your brain chemicals (such as serotonin and norepinephrine) that affect mood and are often lacking when you are depressed.

You ask, "What should I eat?"

Dr. Gregg Jantz, in his book, “Moving Beyond Depression” recommends the following:

Look for whole foods (foods of quality nutrients), such as: 

-fresh fruits and veggies 
-whole grains (wheat, rye, oats, seven grains) and cut out the white processed flour items
-dairy products (eggs, milk, butter, cream, cheese) 
-oils (flaxseed, olive, canola oil) 

He also suggests taking a high-potency multi-vitamin that includes:

-Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) 
-Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 
-Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 
-Folic Acid (Folate, Folacin) 
-Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin, Cyanocobalamin, Hydroxocobalamin) 
-Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) 

Also suggests: 

-Essential Amino Acids 
-Fatty Acids 
-5 HTP 
-St. John’s Wort

Need a Vitamin Supplement? 

If you need a recommendation on a vitamin supplement (which does not replace healthy eating, but like the name suggests, supplements your healthy eating), feel free to check out Garden of Life and see their incredible reviews.

Here's another product I have used in my family (mostly for anxiety): Natures Answer Bio Strath. I started using it after seeing a difference it made in another family's child I know personally who was suffering with ADHD and anxiety. I've seen it work tremendously. In fact the child went from bouncing off the walls to engaging in a respectable conversation. Which meant celebration for his parents! :) I started using it myself and noticed a difference in my concentration. Please talk to your doctor about it after asking your health food store for a brochure on it. I simply chose to give it a try and I found that it worked.

My fitness coach, Tom Venuto, offers an excellent eating plan which I use that not only has impacted my mental health but had the added bonus of burning fat after pregnancy! :) Nice bonus! His methods are super smart and easier to follow than most plans. "Eat mostly-unprocessed, nutrient-dense food that you enjoy, most of the time."

Read Tom's article on what to eat for overall fitness (at the bottom are easy guides to download too).

Part 2 of The 1st Ingredient to Cure Your Depression...

Exercise: Move Your Body! 

"Did you know that even mild exercise
has a powerful role
in treating depression?" 

Before you scoff and turn away on this one... this is fabulous news!

Simply moving each day like walking can easily become your new 'drug' of choice and one you'll never want to give up! Depression isn’t a disease that’s just “in your head”. It comes as a result of the health or lack of health in your entire body!

You’ll be surprised to know that exercise has been proven just as effective for treating depression as antidepressants—and the side effects are far superior and long term! 

A study authored by Dr. James Blumenthal—with 11 other PhDs—published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in 1999, concluded exactly that. They said, 

“Although antidepressants may facilitate a more rapid initial therapeutic response than exercise,
after 16 weeks of treatment
exercise was equally effective in reducing depression among patients with MDD
[major depressive disorder].”

"Why is exercise so powerful to relieve depression?"

Basically, our nervous systems need to be functioning healthily in order to avoid illnesses such as depression as well as heart disease. If you suffer from depression, you could be more likely to suffer from heart disease and insulin resistance that could lead to diabetes.You may also be prone to suffer from anxiety. All of this is connected because of our nervous systems. So, here's the good news... A study published July 8, 2005, in The Archives of Internal Medicine, reported, “Depression is related to or may actually be associated with increases in abnormalities in the autonomic nervous system….”

"Why is this good news?"

Exercise is cheaper and comes with better side effects!

There are no annoying side effects with exercise that normally occur from medications. The side effects of exercise are much more favourable – toned muscles, healthy heart, sexy abs, glowing skin, better nights sleep… Can’t say ‘no’ to that! ;) 

Exercise gives you a greater sense of mastery over your depression; increasing your self-confidence and your self-esteem. You’ll enjoy being in control of your health in this way. When I suffered from depression, I started to walk at least 15 minutes a day and boy what a difference even that little bit made! Then, once I was able to move beyond this, I added other exercise like push ups, sit ups, lifting small weights, and playing Badminton weekly at the community adult drop-in centre. Soon, I was even playing Soccer in an adult league which is all about fun and not necessarily top performance. You'd laugh if you came to one of our games - and you'd say to yourself -"I can do this!" 


1. Set out to eat healthy foods that empower your body
2. Take a supplement to help kick start you!
3. Start with low impact exercise like walking 15-20 minutes a day! 

(For me, I currently love doing a simple set of 20 min of exercises such as push ups and sit ups and squats before breakfast (kickstarts me) and later a walk in the afternoon with my faithful dog. Lately, I enjoy hiking mountains on the weekends or canoeing etc.)

As noted earlier, my fitness coach, Tom Venuto, has a sweet plan I used to burn away pregnancy fat and increase my energy! If you need a community to cheer you on, his is excellent and super affordable! :)

Watch for the next ingredient in 3 days!

(Check your junk mail too.)

Here's a sneak peak...

"For 23 years, bipolar disorder wreaked havoc for one of Dr Andrew Stoll’s female patients, now a 45 year old woman who worked as a research scientist. Despite her expert knowledge of science and medicine, she was unable to find adequate treatment for her dangerous peaks of mania and dark valleys of depression. Medications dulled her and caused significant weight gain. As a result, she had trouble focusing on her work, enjoying life and relationships with friends. She was anxious for a cure and fascinated to hear of Dr. Andrew Stoll’s work in Boston, Massachusetts." 

To your freedom and to your joy! 

Thank you for the honour of journeying with you!

Merri Ellen Giesbrecht 
Your Friendly Editor of cure-your-depression.com

Need to talk?

Get inspired and read how lives are changing by applying our research...


Effects of Exercise Training on Older Patients With Major Depression / James A. Blumenthal, PhD; Michael A. Babyak, PhD; Kathleen A. Moore, PhD; W. Edward Craighead, PhD; Steve Herman, PhD; Parinda Khatri, PhD; Robert Waugh, MD; Melissa A. Napolitano, MA; Leslie M. Forman, MD; Mark Appelbaum, PhD; P. Murali Doraiswamy, MD; K. Ranga Krishnan, MD / Arch Intern Med. 1999;159:2349-2356.

Department Of Psychology, 426 Fraser Hall, 1415 Jayhawk Blvd., University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045-7556 

One Woman's Cure Depression Story and Research Findings That Is Changing Lives in Over 120 Countries To Date.

What people are saying about the cure your depression research... 

“Your web site is absolutely fantastic! We will refer all of our clients to your web site.” –Anthony, Director of Mental Imaging Clinic, Las Vegas

"Hello Merri Ellen I am a therapist who runs out patient programs for people with mental health issues. One of my clients alerted me to your depression site today and I am impressed by both your energy and your generous contribution to others suffering with illness. Thank you. I have just completed reading through your info. Found it to be a wonderfully informative resource and will not have any problem in passing on your website address to some of my clients. The greatest value is in the fact that you have been a consumer and have a very different understanding than others may have. This allows you to be heard a little more readily sometimes. I thank you for your courage and wish you good health always. Regards" - Sue 

"I was on Wellbutrin and Prozac until using your techniques… I haven’t felt so good for so many consecutive days in 20 years... Thank you for your website and your incredible tips!!!" - Robyn, former depression sufferer

"Thank you so much for all the articles I receive in my e-mails. They have helped me alot. I have suffered with depression several years, and right now I am not taking any medication at all." - Mary, former depression sufferer

"I was telling [my husband] that last year at this time I was having anxiety and depression and was wanting to die, and now (one year later) I literally have waves of excitement and happiness. It's hard to describe, but I am really happy right now… Life is good. I cannot complain. I am healed!!!!! - Gloria, former depression sufferer

"I can only explain my gratitude by saying God must have brought you my way. I was just on the verge of requesting anti-depressants from my Dr. the day that I found your website. In the most natural, helpful fashion your research, the way you've set up the e-course, all of it just fed me with the step by step solutions I had been longing for for months. I will always read your work, updates you provide, your service is priceless. Thank you, your work is such a blessing!" - Alysha, on the journey

"I am 63 years old. Went through severe depression about 5 years ago. If I had ended it all, I wouldn’t have the joy in knowing my new grandchild. I followed the steps on this web sight and I’m certainly glad I did. I feel your pain, I hope you can find your way out. No one can do it for you. I’m off all medication and still experience sadness and disparities but those times do not last. I am cheering you on my peaceful home in Tulsa. Don’t forget to do your light therapy. Journaling helped me, Keep moving forward, you may find joy in your life next year." - Anonymous post in our Forum :)

"As a licensed clinical social worker and a woman with a life-time history of depression, I really commend you on the work you have done on this site." - Robyn, Social Worker

"I have been depressed for most of my life, have read many books and articles have taught others about depression, have taken various antidepressant medications. I have begun taking your advice on how to overcome depression for just over a week now.

I am encouraged at what i have read and i have put into practice what has been suggested. I have found that the research of Merri Ellen is very good, it is practical and makes common and medical sense. I fully agree that the medication is only part of the cure for depression, in that it takes away some of the worst symptoms of one's depression. The time to do something about one's depression is when the bad edge has been taken off. I have started the process you recommend and i am encouraged at my progress so far.

The big difference is that i have taken a decision to carefully put into practice what i have been told. So far so good and thank you for your advice. It has been a blessing to me." - Tony

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