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updates #54->After 15 years, she still hung on to it!
August 20, 2008


From: Merri Ellen Giesbrecht, Author of ‘The Simple Truth on Curing Depression: 6 Powerful Ingredients’

Cure Your Depression Updates: (What DO The Medical Journals Reveal?)

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For You! Ongoing depression cure research and some inspirational tidbits to help you along to recovery and joy!

(If links below get broken, you can copy and paste them into your browser).

This week...

"The Positive Thinking Phrases Jar Exercise to Relieve Depression" (article below)


It's your turn!

Here are the most important questions you need to ask yourself that may change your life like they did mine.


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"The Positive Thinking Phrases Jar Exercise to Relieve Depression"

Just last night I was reminded of this technique which I had long forgotten. It goes back to over fifteen years ago back when I was in high school. I kind of came up with it on my own when a close friend of mine was struggling with depression. (I was already helping others deal with depression back then and never knew it.)

She called me on the phone and told me that she still has the exercise jar! I couldn’t believe it! She valued the exercise so much that she's hung on to it for over fifteen years!

Learn what I asked her to do... (If link gets broken, copy and paste this URL address into your web browser:

There is hope! You are worth it!

Merri Ellen

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