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updates #50->Janel's Top Self-Care Tips!
June 19, 2008


From: Merri Ellen Giesbrecht, Author of ‘The Simple Truth on Curing Depression: 6 Powerful Ingredients’

Cure Your Depression Updates: (What DO The Medical Journals Reveal?)

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For You! Ongoing depression cure research and some inspirational tidbits to help you along to recovery and joy!

(If links below get broken, you can copy and paste them into your browser).

This week...

"Janel Shares Her Top Self-Care Strategies for Managing Depression" (article below)


It's your turn! I want to hear from you!

I've written up some of the most important questions you need to ask yourself that may change your life like they did mine.

Here they are for you...

I look forward to hearing from you!


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"Janel Shares Her Top Self Care Strategies for Managing Depression"

Janel Ball has a Master’s Degree in Counselling Psychology and is in private practice in downtown Vancouver, BC, Canada. She counsels women and men who struggle with self-esteem, anxiety, addictions, depression, and trauma.

Recently, she shared her top self care strategies for managing depression and anxiety that she teaches her clients in counselling sessions as well as to members of her self-care workshops.

I think you will find her tips very powerful!

Read the full article on our blog...


There is hope! You are worth it!

Merri Ellen

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