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updates #56->Your Quick Start Guide for Depression...
September 08, 2008


From: Merri Ellen Giesbrecht, Author of ‘The Simple Truth on Curing Depression: 6 Powerful Ingredients’

Cure Your Depression Updates: (What DO The Medical Journals Reveal?)

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For You! Ongoing depression cure research and some inspirational tidbits to help you along to recovery and joy!

(If links below get broken, you can copy and paste them into your browser).

This week...

"Food For Depression: A Quick Start Guide" (article below)


It's your turn!

Here are the most important questions you need to ask yourself that may change your life like they did mine.


"Need someone to talk to?"

We can help!


"Food For Depression: A Quick Start Guide"

I made this for friends and for myself to post on my fridge whenever I start to feel a cloud over my head. It helps me to check if I am filling the tank on my Ferrari properly. Here's a copy for you! Simply go to the download page below and look for the document entitled, "Food for Depression: A Quick Start Guide"

A gift for you: You can grab this on our download page!

(If link gets broken, copy and paste this URL address into your web browser:

There is hope! You are worth it!

Merri Ellen

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